Geography at Tillington Manor Primary School
Children will develop their knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to:
- Geographical enquiry and geographical vocabulary to articulate understanding places and key geographical features.
- Physical features of places
- Human features of localities
Strands of learning from the NC programme of study have been sub-divided in to key skills and concepts which have been progressively sequenced from EYFS to Y6. Topics in EYFS/KS1 start from the point of the immediate area surrounding the school and broaden to include a gradually widening use of the local area.Topics at key stage 2 include an increasing use of localities from around the world, including localities at differing stages of economic development.
Learning in geography will support our key priority to develop:
- children’s ability to read with understanding and to present a range of information in written form coherently and with appropriate grammatical accuracy
- children’s capacity to apply numerical concepts
- children’s thinking skills, encouraging their ability to develop ideas for themselves and to respond to and devise questions in enquiry based situations

Children will encounter topics in geography which:
- reflect the diverse ethnic nature of society – they will learn about the contributions of people from different parts of the world to the management of the physical environment and the creation of human features – they will discover reasons for actions and features and be encouraged how discriminatory attitudes in the past have contributed to incorrect views of features
- allows them to appreciate the wonder and beauty of man’s achievements and the natural environment
The emphasis in geography on enquiry, places a key responsibility on children to find out for themselves, to research and present information in a variety of ways. Children will be encouraged to:
- find solutions using a range of strategies
- complete an expected minimum of work within a set amount of time using resources appropriately matched to their independent ability level work collaboratively