History at Tillington Manor Primary School

Our History Lead is Mrs Arshad.

Children will develop their knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to:

  • Chronology – understanding what has changed and what has stayed the same
  • Key events/features of past societies, significant people and their achievements
  • Representations and interpretations of the past
  • Historical enquiry

Strands of learning from the NC programme of study have been sub-divided in to key skills and concepts which have been progressively sequenced from EYFS to Y6. Topics in EYFS/KS1 start from the point of the immediate past and broaden to include key events which children can relate to. Topics across KS2 have been arranged in a chronological sequence to help develop children’s understanding of the passing of time and developments from older times to now.

Children will encounter topics in history which:

  • reflect the diverse ethnic nature of our society – they will learn about the achievements and contributions of people from different backgrounds – they will discover reasons for discriminatory attitudes and what people have done to counter these.
  • allows them to appreciate the wonder and beauty of man’s achievements.

The emphasis in history will be on enquiry in which children will be responsible for research and presentation of information.  Children will be encouraged to:

  • find solutions using a range of strategies.
  • complete an expected minimum of work within a set amount of time using resources appropriately matched to their independent ability level work collaboratively.

KLearning in history will support, but not be subsumed, by our commitment to develop:

  • children’s ability to read with understanding and to present a range of information in written form coherently.
  • children’s capacity to apply mathematical concepts in relation to chronology and the passing of time and in relation to any statistical information children encounter.
  • children’s thinking skills.



Click here to see our History Progression Map.

Click here to see an example of a Knowledge Organiser