Religious Education at Tillington Manor Primary School

Welcome to Religious Education at Tillington Manor Primary School.  

Our intention is to deliver a curriculum that is accessible for all.  We have adopted and implemented the new and updated Discovery RE scheme of work.  This builds upon whole school teaching of the previous Discovery RE scheme of work. 

At Tillington Manor Primary School, we believe that Religious Education makes an important contribution to the education of our young people. We aim to help our children develop their own values, beliefs and morals by learning from and about the religions of others in our diverse society.

Through RE, children develop understanding, respect and empathy for others and appreciate the range of cultures and traditions in our community and wider world.

Learning in RE at Tillington Manor Primary School takes the form of an enquiry-based approach, using children’s own experiences as a starting point, then considering the religious practices and values of others’, before considering children’s own views in the light of their learning. We encourage research and reasoned debate to consider topical enquirie. Discovery RE covers the six principal religions plus other belief systems.  Each year group covers Christianity alongside another one of the key religions and we recognise important religious festivals in our studies. Our RE curriculum also strongly supports our ‘Golden Rules’ that we adhere to in school and the SMSC curriculum.

It must be noted that parents and carers have the right to remove their child from all aspects of religious education. Please contact the school to discuss this.