School Uniform
- Pale blue polo shirt
- Navy blue jumper or cardigan with school logo
- Grey trousers/ skirt or pinafore dress
- Grey tights/socks
- Black shoes
Summer Uniform
- Blue and white check summer dress
- White socks
- Grey shorts
PE Kit
- Children can come to school wearing the PE kit on their PE or swimming days. This consists of a TMPS logo hoody, blue or black joggers and their house coloured T Shirt.
- Team colour T-shirt: Tigers – red, Lions – yellow, Leopards – blue, Panthers – green

Please refrain from buying impractical styled fashion shoes or trainers.
Children must not wear jewellery for PE lesson due to health and safety reasons. Children with pierced ears must be able to remove their own earrings or not wear them on PE days.
The school sweatshirt, cardigan, polo shirt and book bags are available from Crested Schoolwear, Stafford town centre.
A small selection of team coloured T-shirts are available from the School Office They are also easily available on Amazon. Please ask at the office for further details.
Children with long hair should tie this back (long enough to put in to a bobble) and no nail varnish should be worn by pupils.
We have a selection of pre-loved school uniform available on request from the school office.
Please find our Uniform Policy here.